
Looking Like Myself Again

3 Signs You Are A Good Candidate For Liposuction

When considering cosmetic surgery options for toning up and improving your figure, you may be unsure if you are a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is a proven way to transform your appearance for the better, but in some cases an alternate procedure like a tummy tuck or gastric bypass is a better option. Here are a few of the biggest signs that liposuction is the ideal procedure for you.

1. You Have Stubborn Trouble Areas 

The best candidates for liposuction have stubborn trouble areas or bulges they have been unable to get rid of via exercise and diet alone. For example, perhaps you are in overall good shape but are self-conscious about love handles, fatty deposits on your thighs or arms, or you have a double chin that makes you dread having your photo taken. Liposuction can smooth out, tone, and reduce these stubborn areas to improve how you look both in and out of clothing.

2. Your Skin is in Good Condition

In order to get the results you really want from liposuction, you should have healthy skin with good elasticity. Your cosmetic surgeon can help you evaluate your skin if you are unsure if you meet these criteria. If you have loose skin or scarring from major weight loss, pregnancy, and childbirth, or from an accident, liposuction may not be the best option for you. In this case, a procedure like a tummy tuck that is designed to remove loose skin may be a better option. Your cosmetic surgeon may even recommend a combination of procedures.

3. You Don't Need to Lose a Lot of Weight

Liposuction is not designed to be a weight loss solution. Most liposuction patients are within range of their ideal weight, but simply have stubborn areas of fat that refuse to budge with diet and exercise. If you are seriously overweight, your doctor may recommend that you implement a weight loss plan before scheduling liposuction.

Alternatively, you may opt for a procedure like gastric bypass, which restricts your body's ability to gain weight by creating a bypass from your stomach to your intestine. Liposuction is a less invasive procedure which is ideal for those who would like to tone and firm their body, but do not need to lose a large amount of weight.

If these signs that you are a good candidate for liposuction apply to you, it's time to consult with a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in liposuction. They will evaluate your physical needs, goals, and go over the details of the liposuction procedure and recovery with you.

About Me

Looking Like Myself Again

About a year ago, I realized that I was really starting to look my age. I had sagging skin, loads of wrinkles, and age spots galore. It was embarrassing, so I decided to meet with a cosmetic surgeon to help me to troubleshoot my appearance. They were a lot of help. They went through, told me all of my options, and worked hard to give me the look that I used to have. This blog is for anyone out there who has ever considered plastic surgery. With the help of your doctor, you can look like yourself again and feel a lot younger.
